

Helping people who have heart disease
or want to prevent related ones

Helping people
who have
heart disease
or want to
prevent it

An app focused to manage heart by supporting to build
healthy habits and sharing them to motivate each other

An app focused to manage heart
by supporting to build
healthy habits and sharing
them to motivate each other

An app focused
to manage heart
by supporting to
build healthy habits
and sharing them
to motivate each other


✦ What is HeartYou?

HeartYou is a heart management app designed for those who want to manage their balanced well-being through a daily heart check and challenge with other users that helps to get motivated.

✦ Timeline

4 months

✦ Project Type

Individual Project

✦ Tools

Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, AfterEffect

The Leading Causes of Death.

According to the World Health Organization, Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. About 30% of global deaths are due to heart diseases.
This raises the question to me about their prevention and treatment.

According to the World Health Organization,
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide.
About 30% of global deaths are due to heart diseases.
This raises the question to me about
their prevention and treatment.

According to the World Health Organization, Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. About 30% of global deaths are due to heart diseases. This raises the question to me about their prevention and treatment.

Key Risk Factors for Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
Mental Disorder

Managing Heart in Daily Lives

Problem | Discover

People with heart disease face a lot of challenges to cure it in daily life. They find it difficult to share anxiety to someone as well. Even those who feels chest pain from time to time are not quite sure on how to tackle this problem. HeartYou aims to help these people.

Persona A.

28 | Video Designer | Single
Lives alone | Seoul, Korea

I lead a busy life and have to be sure I keep up with my hectic schedule,
but the thing is I suffer chest pain and recently got a diagnosis of angina.

I lead a busy life and have to be sure
I keep up with my hectic schedule,
but the thing is I suffer chest pain and
recently got a diagnosis of angina.

I lead a busy life and have to be sure I keep up with my hectic schedule, but the thing is I suffer chest pain and recently got a diagnosis of angina.


Difficult to share anxiety to someone
Workout is easier said than done
Need a motivator that helps to manage her heart daily

✧ Difficult to share anxiety to someone
✧ Workout is easier said than done
✧ Need a motivator that helps to
manage her heart daily


To have a healthy habit
To relieve stress from work
To talk with 20s in a similar situation

✦ To have a healthy habit
✦ To relieve stress from work
✦ To talk with 20s in a similar situation

Persona B.

49 | Judge | Married
Lives with wife | BC, Canada

I face a lot of challenges associated with having to decide the fate of others.
However, since Covid-19, my heart conditions have become more fatigued.

I face a lot of challenges associated with
having to decide the fate of others.
However, since Covid-19, my heart conditions
have become more fatigued.

I face a lot of challenges associated with having to decide the fate of others. However, since Covid-19, my heart conditions have become more fatigued.


Sitting for long period of time at work
Hard to avoid greasy food
Feeling depressed after Covid-19

✧ Sitting for long period of time at work
✧ Hard to avoid greasy food
✧ Feeling depressed after Covid-19


✦ To set a reminder to manage health
✦ To have a well balanced meal
✦ To share my feelings with people

To set a reminder to manage health
To have a well balanced meal
To share my feelings with people

Empathy Interview.

Insights from the interview.

Recognition of Subtle Symptoms

Through Lina's experience, I learned the importance of recognizing subtle symptoms like chest discomfort, indigestion, and fatigue. This insight led me to consider educating users about early signs within the platform.

Stress and Lifestyle Impact

Lina's stress from work revealed how crucial stress management is for heart health. This insight inspired me to include tailored advice for different lifestyles in the framework.

Comprehensive Tracking

Learning about Lina's reliance on annual electrocardiograms highlighted the significance of consistent health tracking. This influenced my idea to encourage daily heart health monitoring through user-friendly tools within the system.

Emotional Outlet

Lina's use of blogging as an emotional outlet made me realize the potential for a journaling feature in the app. This tool could help users express feelings, track progress, and find solace.

Building Positive Habits

Lina's changed perspective after surgery sparked the idea of integrating motivational content and celebrating user milestones amid the platform. I believe this can positively shape users' mindsets.

Motivational Challenges

Hearing about Lina's journey with fear and courage inspired the concept of motivational challenges embedded in the interface. These challenges could help users confront fears and build confidence.

Community Support

Lina's experience with her blog audience highlighted the significance of community support. This led me to consider including peer support features, fostering connection and encouragement among users.

Holistic Well-being

Lina's challenges underscored the need for holistic lifestyle changes, which gave me an idea that can emphasize the interconnectedness of diet, exercise, stress management, and emotional well-being for comprehensive heart health improvement.

Design Challenge

How can we help these people keep their heart healthy in daily lives to ensure they meet their needs?

Happy, Healthy, Habit


The heart management app, HeartYou improves users’ well-being by supporting good habits to keep heart healthy. By using bat’s genome connected with smartwatch, it can check heart daily with the magical visual cues. Ultimately, the app allows users to take active control of their mental and physical health by themselves through interesting challenges and sharing their goals each other, which eventually helps to make their heart healthy.

The heart management app, HeartYou improves users’ well-being by supporting good habits to keep heart healthy. By using bat’s genome connected with smartwatch, it can check heart daily with the magical visual cues. Ultimately, the app allows users to take active control of their mental and physical health by themselves through interesting challenges and sharing their goals each other, which eventually helps to make their heart healthy.

Record Blood Pressure

Home - Connect HeartYou to your smart watch, track blood pressure on a regular basis, analyze results with useful charts and valuable insights and conveniently share reports with your doctor.

HeartYou will always feel your heart

The regular smart watch's original principle is a built-in ECG sensor.
However, people are likely use the device just once and forget about.

To prevent this, HeartYou's smart watch detects blood pressure, heart attack, or atrial-fibrillation by using ultrasound to connect with users on a regular basis.

The regular smart watch's original principle is a built-in ECG sensor. However, people are likely use the device just once and forget about. To prevent this, HeartYou's smart watch detects blood pressure, heart attack, or atrial-fibrillation by using ultrasound to connect with users on a regular basis.

Build your healthy habits

Explore & Challenge - Take challenges to improve your mental and physical health. Challenge helps you grow to be a better version of yourself and keep your motivation high. It also provides achievement status that lets you visualize your progress over time. If there’s no challenge you want, you can open a new one with the function of Challenge Open.

Share your feelings and progress together

Chats - HeartYou provides chat functions with other users. You can make some friends who can be your motivator and support your good habits.

Customize your display for better usability

Themes - Some users may find it easier to work with certain colour schemes. HeartYou provides theme customization that is fully compatible with your system to spice up your device. It also lets you control display that makes browsing seamless and more enjoyable.

How I got to the solution 1 : Nature Inspired Technology

How I got to the solution 1 :
Nature Inspired Technology

Biomimicry | Bat’s acoustic imaging technology

Bat call frequencies are from 14,000Hz to more than 200,000Hz, which is way beyond the range of the human ear since typical human hearing range is approximately from 20 to 20,000Hz depending on age.

Bats produce echolocation by emitting high frequency sound pulses through their mouth or nose and listening to the echo. With this echo, the bat can determine the size, shape and texture of objects in its environment.

Echolocation in bats is a remarkable ability, and science has managed to recreate the ability to generate three-dimensional images from reflected echoes in a number of different ways, like SONAR, RADAR and LiDAR(light detection and ranging). Among them, I have learned that biological sonar technology is transmitting and receiving waves through pulses to determine distance and speed.

This realizes me that bats are important for our health as they enable us to better understand how our genome functions and also gain insight into sensing for blood pressure to prevent heart diseases.

This realizes me that bats are important for our health as they enable us
to better understand how our genome functions and also gain insight into
sensing for blood pressure to prevent heart diseases.

Improve the overall user experience : 5 stops | 1 goal

The information architecture comprises of 5 major domains - Home, Explore, Challenge, Chats and Profile. It is designed to map how users achieve a specific goal as they move through a product. IA improves the findability and enhances accessiblity of information, optimizng the user journey.

How I got to the solution 2 : In-depth Understanding

Empathize with users

The one-on-on interviews with 4 people who has an experience of heart disease from diverse backgrounds and conducting a survey with 24 respondents allowed me to get a deeper understanding of the users and glean valuable insight. With respect to keeping heart healthy, one key point is to design the product based on what they really need. That brought me the insightful outcomes.


People voted that they forget to measure their blood pressure on a regular basis.

Participant 02 - “I almost forget to check pulse rate due to my hectic schedule.”


People do not know how to exercise consistently because they are not motivated.

Participant 04 - “I usually spend most of my days in front of computer. Being sedentary has turned into my comfort zone, which makes it harder to get into an exercise.


People want to share their feelings but find it difficult to disclose it since they do not want to be framed with a certain vulnerability.

Participant 07 - “It’s quite difficult to share my feeling with someone because of the fear of appearing weak. I don’t want to risk turning anyone off by such displays of vulnerability.


People voted that they forget to measure their blood pressure on a regular basis.

Participant 02 - “I almost forget to check pulse rate due to my hectic schedule.”


People do not know how to exercise consistently because they are not motivated.

Participant 04 - “I usually spend most of my days in front of computer. Being sedentary has turned into my comfort zone, which makes it harder to get into an exercise.


People want to share their feelings but find it difficult to disclose it since they do not want to be framed with a certain vulnerability.

Participant 07 - “It’s quite difficult to share my feeling with someone because of the fear of appearing weak. I don’t want to risk turning anyone off by such displays of vulnerability.

During the interview, people wanted to get support to keep their heart healthy in their daily lives. While blood pressure monitors exist, they may have difficulty checking their heart daily since it takes time to get tested. It also turned out that they need to feel inspired from someone with the same goals and commitment.

Identify the user's needs and pain points

This is an overview of a participant's daily life in the journey for managing work schedules and struggling with building a good habit to keep her heart healthy.

Creating the constantly enticing and usable app

Creating the constantly enticing
and usable application

visually and functionally appealing

✧ Main Features
Daily heart check
with the visual cues
Improving wellness
by building good habits
Sharing feelings with
other users
Motivating each other
to be healthy and happy
Daily heart check
with the visual cues
Daily heart check
with the
visual cues
Improving wellness
by building good habits
Improving wellness
by building good habits
Sharing feelings with other users
Sharing feelings with other
Motivating each other to be healthy and happy
each other to be healthy and happy
✧ Keep track of heart rate and analyze results
✧ Participate in challenges to strengthen the heart
✧ Reach your goals and make positive changes in your life
✧ Get active with other users and improve your self-worth
✧ Select modes depending on your preference
✧ Visual Branding and Identity

I Heart You


I get closer than ever
to your heart


I will always feel your heart
from the inside standing by
yourself to make it shine

Color Scheme
Visual Graphics

Visual graphics are reflected on bat’s genome and its echolocation, but also their role is to help create an emotional connection with users. Consistent visuals unify a brand’s messaging so people instantly recognize the company. In this sense, I wanted to build brand trust and further engage the audience to drive their motivation.

Visual graphics are reflected on bat’s genome and its echolocation, but also their role is to help create an emotional connection with users. Consistent visuals unify a brand’s messaging so people instantly recognize the company. In this sense, I wanted to build brand trust and further engage the audience to drive their motivation.

Our heart is strongly influenced by emotion, but stress is ubiquitous in society.
We might think that we have zero problem as for health right now because
we are young or we look fine from the outside, but building a good habit is
really important for longtime physical and mental wellness.

In this regard, the brand HeartYou will always feel your heart
from the inside standing by yourself to make it shine.

Our heart is strongly influenced by emotion, but stress is ubiquitous in society. We might think that we have zero problem as for health right now because we are young or we look fine from the outside, but building a good habit is really important for longtime physical and mental wellness.

In this regard, the brand HeartYou will always feel your heart from the inside standing by yourself to make it shine.


Biomimicry helped me to think outside the box with more useful and sustainable design. I learned that echolocation in bats is a remarkable ability and how it works in human life, which came up with developing the acoustic imaging technology with the ultrasound diagnostics in heart care. I developed the heart management application to be accessible and usable by all people reflecting on their specific needs and feedback.
